0.3 was wonderful. It looks like the Android version of 0.4 won't update the 0.3 version, though, and tries to make a second install of the game. It also gives me an error about incorrect/out-of-date app permissions, which the 0.3 version didn't have.
i don't make the android ports myself (I don't have an android and can't test them), but I haven't had any issues reported like this yet!!! I believe because my android versions are still fairly small, they're just standalone downloads rather than game updates, but the saves should still transfer. the android port on f95 may be from a different porter and could be worth trying... i'm really sorry i wish I could be more helpful 🥺
Heya, on the choice between calling Mallory or Lily, I called Mallory first and when the conversation ended and I was meant to get the prompt to call Lily, I got this error (seems the choice menu that has only "Lily" on it is missing).
hello!!! i'm so sorry you experienced this error. it's something i have fixed already but would require you to download a patch. if you talk to lily first and then mallory, you should be able to ignore this error and not miss anything. i'm so sorry i know getting errors is frustrating and immersion breaking. it's tricky coding paths with dozens of choices 😅
Hey, I actually reloaded the choice after seeing this reply, picked Lily first and then talked to Mallory, but once the Mallory call ends I get the same error.
Don't worry about such mistakes haha, part of the reason I like to play WIPs is to find and report such things, so future players can have a smoother experience - it's rewarding on its own way!
I downloaded the game this morning, did you upload the fixed version just today? If you haven't imo you should, or at least add the patch as a downloadable file so players can patch the game.
Ok... Love The game So far But I'm Only at the Very Beginning. and I tried to play at Joiplay nut it seems it's not compatible cuz everytime I tried to open it it Immediately Closes, so the best thing is the Android Version and the runs But... just a Little thing I encountered is Some texts are not read able cuz they Dont show up the whole thing, Like this for example, the text is. waaay on the Left. and this is only happening if there's to Character talking at the same time.
Just an FYI, Mega stopped at 1.2 gbs download of 2.2gbs. For some like me, its means your title cannot be played. Before anyone gripes, tried 4 times and I'm using a wired ethernet cable but mega has been causing problem for downloaders lately.
Wow, I'm just totally bedazzled; from the description, I had a general idea, but in less than 5 minutes I was already gobsmacked. The dialogues and the MC's introspection, particularly, are incredibly deep. The talk between Dad and Desmond was soul-moving. The girls are all using one or more trope.
And the comedy! By the Nine Circles of Hell, that scene at the onsen with Ken and everybody else! The scene with Mallory in her room when her parents arrive! And the lingerie store!
The models are great, the lewd scenes quite tasty, but the story is just so amazing! If you ever feel a bit more adventurous, I'd say this game's story and plots and characters could help you a lot in writing a small series of books based on this. Just sayin'...
Tldr; this game is shaping up to be an amazing work of art!
Definitely fav'ing and following!
P.S.: The only part that I'm actually wary about is the ammount of characters; as you build the game towards the conclusion, it will inevitably become more difficult to manage exposure and revelation for all of them without leaving loose ends. Still and regardless, I wish you the best of luck!
I love discovering avn games like these where you come to goon and stay for the plot. First i played was eternum and ghaddamn i discovered more and more. At first i thought your game was a yuri game but then i decided to give it a chance and boy did i enjoy. I really live how you e written each character and the story... and the scenes ghad *chefs kiss* i look forward to the next update!
Also i got surprised when there was a voice over narration and it was good! I look forward for more! More scenes, more in depth story! More funny memes!
Absolutely stunning game with a really fetching MC character. I really enjoyed the refreshing personality, and all the girls were fascinating. It's always great coming across a game that takes itself seriously, but then you can have amazingly goofy meme'y moments that add even more personality to the world you create while having a great laugh.
It was incredible to see the improvements in the animation you made too after a few scenes. People normally want to see perfection in a game the moment they download it, and expect everything to be flawless. However, leaving in rougher work, and then showing off how you've overcome it later really is admirable.
Thanks again for putting so much time, work, and passion into a game like this. Looking forward to see how things advance later on, and you've got a huge fan in me!
waooo this is so sweet!! thank you so much. i do feel like i have come a long way since i started this game with absolutely zero experience in any part of it, so it's nice to hear someone confirm it!! it means so much to me that you enjoy the characters as well :') i hope you will continue to enjoy the game as it updates
just found this avn the other day and, the writing in this is phenomenal in my opinion. All the characters seem decently realistic, 3 deletional characters who have lived their own lives sperate from the mc and not that they only exist for this story. as for the graphics, not the best I've seen in this engine but, at chapter 3 it does look quite good I'd say.
honestly my only real criticism is a technical one, in dark scenes, character whose name are dark colours, you can't see their names (I noticed it for the character that Blue and Red were talking to in the second to last scene of the 0.3 update)
thank you so much for the kind words! i absolutely agree that my game needs work visually, but i'm happy you agree that it improves as it goes along. i plan on remaking the first chapter entirely at some point for this reason, including updating the animations as i have learned so much since i started. more than anything, though, it means so much to me that you enjoy the characters and writing as that's been the most important aspect to me. I have never seen the word "deletional" omg that's awesome
As for the font being hard to read, that was on purpose for that specific character as you're not supposed to know their name, but maybe it wasn't the best idea xD haha thank you so much again for playing my game!! I hope you will enjoy chapter 4 next month!
rereading my comment, yeah I've never heard of the word deletional before, it was probably either auto correct or me being really tired while I wrote it, and yes, deletional is a real word but no, it was obviously not used correctly, I don't even remember what I meant to write there.
I did enjoy the game mostly...i skipped the dudes talking...cause its avn i dont play for dudes...also rejected the trans cause im a guy and not gay but to each their own....im so glad sasha is safe! I was scared there...i hope in future update you give us choices...like to spare or to kill our enemies...was hoping i could kill the rich guy and his son...and the female that betrayed me...shes getting rejected next time...anyway cant wait for more if theres gonna be more
the only thing i hate about this VN is that I found it too early. now i have to wait for it to get finished but holy shit this is a good story perfect mix of comedy, romance, and deep story telling. I'm looking forward to the completion of this how ever many years that will take.
the scene where the mc and sasha hold hands after going berserk aka that house getting burned down thought there was a graphical glitch where mc's hand is twisted 180 deg and sasha's thumb goes through mc's palm
The first two h-scenes are not animated (the first half of chapter 1 just has images that repeat to simulate scenes) but the rest of the game does, and they slowly improve as the game goes on. I develop this game on an old laptop, and animating took me a while to figure out 😅 I'm sorry if that's a dealbreaker. I do intend on remaking the chapter 1 scenes at some point, but I'm more focused on progressing the story currently!
its not a dealbreaker if it does happen after the first two its okay 🫶🏼 im just a motion guy yk? im glad you're working on the avn and im stoked to give it a try :>
There are options in the game currently that can lead to optional pregnancies in the future, but they're down the line as I don't really plan on doing any timeskips soon
Soon as I finished reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, I felt the need to play the latest update haha. Personally, I really really liked it.
I've felt this about other AVNs, but the ones I stick with I do because at the start I feel they have potential, and avoid making "unforgivable" mistakes. Then comes a point, somewhere along the way, where they don't just offer the promise of greatness in the future, but actually start delivering. For Love by the Water, I feel that point was reached in chapter 3: it truly delivered.
As to where... for me it was Celia getting her comeuppanuce. The scenes with her and Emma are so uncomfortable, they feel so out of place in what's otherwise a mostly warm game - but man, the payoff for them is so good once the tonal shift comes: it was such a great way to drive home the shift, making it felt through that scene. No notes, simply amazing. Best depiction of **** on an AVN I've experienced. Again, no notes, you did a fantastic job with her and that moment. Currently, that's what makes the game worth playing: Celia getting her just deserts, selling the tonal shift of the game, and what "other MC" brings to the table. The promise of more stuff like that in the future is enough to keep one playing, by itself!
Related, but Emma is such a well, well achieved character! Perhaps the gem of the game - alongside Byrus, whom I'll talk about later. But Emma is so disguting at such a visceral level to me - her sheer weakness, helplesness, asking someone stronger to deliver the punishment she can't - it even had me wishing for the choice to punish her instead, at times. She's so unsightly, I couldn't stand to perceive her! And then, boom, she said just the right thing. Can't appeal to his sense of morality? Then just offer whatever worth she has, in the eyes of an objective-driven being: the information she possesses. And then she asks to be taken along - after cheering the horrible thing done to Celia throught! - by lowering herself to saying she's ok with sleeping on a closet, just so she's taking along! Again, she's so, so disgustingly weak and wretched - and I love her for it. The character I most want to see more of.
I would like to talk about my wishes and concerns for the game, starting with the concerns: Mallard (alongside Risa) works great as a threatening antagonistic force, and I really hope he is not sidelined from the role after one confrontation. I quite enjoy the "slice of life" setting of school, and I wish you don't do away with it or have it take a backseat - though I have no idea how you'll keep it going now. Byrus is a great character, that I think is written with so much nuance, that I really hope he is given his proper respect by the story - not in terms that "good things happen to him" or that "he gets his redemption" neccessarily, but that he's given enough screentime to shine and showcase what he's about. All the things about his absent father, and the way it's affecting him - this longing he has - I hope it's all building up to something. Bit of a suggestion, if you are taking Risa away from Mallard, I would have Byrus be his new assistant, so he serves as "POV character" whose eyes we experience that side of the narrative through. As for Emma, I really hope we are given diverging paths to develop her: a kind one (maybe keeping her interactions exclusive to normal MC) where we see who she is/what she likes outside of her time as a maid, and a darker one (maybe having her just interact with supernatural MC) where we see the person Celia made her explored - in many ways, it's Emma more than Byrus who is Celia's child, the one raised into who she is by her. Similar, but I hope we have an option to forgive Lana, and one to punish her as badly as Celia was punished - please leave it up to player discretion. I also hope we have a similar choice of "forgive Byrus/destroy him" - near the game's climax, perhaps. Mrs Behr and her colleague killed a lot of people - I hope the moral implications of this aren't handwaved. Same for the fact Lili is killing sentient creatures. I would love options to have nothing to do with either faction, on the grounds of them taking life.
TL;DR: Emma and Byrus are the gems of the game for me, the characters I want to see more of and those that I hope future updates do justice to the most.
Ah, that's a really weird problem I've never seen anyone have before! Did it eventually start working? If you can DM me on reddit (u/curehearts) or Discord (0cure), I can send you a mirror for mediafire! I'm really sorry for the inconvenience :(
I never really use that but I have a discord account. I was a bit annoyed by one youtubers discord account that had a weird security bot or whatever that checked you out on another side before you were allowed to join more or less.
I have no reddit, what is that side about anyway? I faintly remember a side being some sort of photo gallery, but i don't remember the name.
It's the first time for me too here, that it stops I mean.
My server verifies that you aren't a bot, but it shouldn't make you do anything other than press an "I'm not a bot" button haha. And Reddit is just a bunch of forums so people can talk about different interests! I'm sorry I can't be more helpful with that error. Unfortunately, the last time I tried to post a download link in the itch.io comments, I got a warning, so I have to send it to you privately. But if you join the Discord server, I can make sure you get a new download link! I really want to make up for the problem Mega gave you!
Just so I'm not suprised, does it open another page and wants me to do anything is what I wanted to say, but no you mentioned only that button.
I'm only trying a few things again a good while ago now. I haven't touched much after rechieving viruses when I was younger for a long while, not that I needed it. You know stuff like fan games or when you try this stuff out for the first time and all that.
Not sure if it's to big, but you can't combine this with the Itch.io app somehow? Alright I try to remember it, you will most likely answer me again anyway and please do. I really have much stress and all that recently, which might cause me to not really come back to this for a good while if I don't hear about it.
I second this wholeheartedly! A hidden gallery where you can see scenes you've unlocked while showing scenes you've missed in chronological order without showing which girl the scene involves would be awesome
Yes! I'm hoping to release chapter 3 for testing next week. Long story short, I lost all of my game files and had to make this chapter twice, so it's taken a really long to get back on track unfortunately. But yeah, update soon!
just started the game so I wont rate it yet but as of now, it is my brand of comedy (i laughed out loud alot) and every frame as something fun to look at
The dead-end choices are really easy to miss unless you really don't want to be nice to one of the girls hahaha. They're just dumb goofy scenes for fun because I didn't think anyone would want to, for example, ignore someone crying or not walk a scared girl home. I clearly have had to learn a lot! But yo thank you so much for the kind words! They mean so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it
This is a super great game, and my god the potential is through the roof... If you have any indication of when another update will come out, please do share
so sorry for the late response to this, but thanks for the kind words! it means a lot. i had to take a break after the last update released, but i'm working on it every day and hoping it won't take too much longer. make sure you join the discord for frequent updates and render previews :)
Your love for storytelling shines through, making this a very enjoyable read.
Honestly, I don't like "dead-end" choices, but I appreciate that you put effort into them here. Personally, I like "in-universe" ones (like the sewer monster) as opposed to fourth-wall-breaking ones (like the director chair). When it comes to the NSFW choices, I've found most of the "didn't happen" ones to be quite funny, I can see a player picking them just for that haha. Mechanically I don't know what logic the game operates on (open/closed routes, affection points) but when you say no the counselor and she cuts the red balloon away? imo it'd be super cool if that happened each time you lose a girl's route, if that's how you're operating haha.
Again, had a very enjoyable time, keep up the good stuff!
yeah, i've definitely gotten a lot of feedback on the dead-end choices and will be trying to avoid the more immersion-breaking ones in the future, but man i just have so much fun using them as an opportunity to do goofy/stupid things in a way that is not canon haha. at the beginning of the game, they're there to kind of remind the player that this isn't one of those self-insert blank MC games but, rather, a story about a specific character with a certain moral system. it's certainly something to keep in mind now that we're deeper into the story. thanks so much for the kind words and feedback :) really appreciative that you gave the game a chance
I love this game, Its goddamn amazing. There is only 1 complaint I have... I want more. and that's the best complaint. Keep up the good work, and look out for yourself. Ill be eagerly awaiting.
Just finished the Game, and You've just gained a new follower Cure. This game has a lot of potential and I am even liking the Story, Unique to any other that I have played so far.
I'll will tell you this however in some of the scene the contortions of the characters are something to be desired, but of course this game is still in it's early stages and can easily be improved later on. That being said it doesn't take anything away from the story, so keep at it and keep the awesome work coming.
I'm looking forward to seeing where this story leads.. 😊👍
Thanks for the feedback! Out of 100 or so options in the game right now, I think something like only 4 of them loop around, and most of them are early in the game. They're there to kind of remind the player that, at the end of the day, they're playing a story about a specific character who starts off relatively naive and will always help someone when he can. He won't ignore the crying girl, let someone be homeless, let the scared girl walk home alone, etc. That being said, every option concerning romance is fully optional. Some friendships are crucial to the game and its story, but you decide how far those friendships will go, if that makes sense. I understand this not being for everybody, but I don't think 4/100+ locked choices is that bad, personally.
I am curious about the flaws, though! I try really hard to make sure there are no errors or typos in the game, so if you can remember which ones you noticed I'd love to hear about them! I will admit, though, that many of the early renders pale in comparison to those even in the latter half of the first update. I was learning the whole process from scratch and do plan on updating them at a later date. Personally, I'm super happy with the character models, though :) It was important to me that the girls looked and felt distinct, not just to each other but to other games, as well.
Thanks for the feedback, RanCor! Sorry you didn't enjoy the game, but I appreciate you taking the time to give it a shot!
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0.3 was wonderful. It looks like the Android version of 0.4 won't update the 0.3 version, though, and tries to make a second install of the game. It also gives me an error about incorrect/out-of-date app permissions, which the 0.3 version didn't have.
i don't make the android ports myself (I don't have an android and can't test them), but I haven't had any issues reported like this yet!!! I believe because my android versions are still fairly small, they're just standalone downloads rather than game updates, but the saves should still transfer. the android port on f95 may be from a different porter and could be worth trying... i'm really sorry i wish I could be more helpful 🥺
No worries, I can use my PC.
Heya, on the choice between calling Mallory or Lily, I called Mallory first and when the conversation ended and I was meant to get the prompt to call Lily, I got this error (seems the choice menu that has only "Lily" on it is missing).
hello!!! i'm so sorry you experienced this error. it's something i have fixed already but would require you to download a patch. if you talk to lily first and then mallory, you should be able to ignore this error and not miss anything. i'm so sorry i know getting errors is frustrating and immersion breaking. it's tricky coding paths with dozens of choices 😅
Hey, I actually reloaded the choice after seeing this reply, picked Lily first and then talked to Mallory, but once the Mallory call ends I get the same error.
Don't worry about such mistakes haha, part of the reason I like to play WIPs is to find and report such things, so future players can have a smoother experience - it's rewarding on its own way!
I downloaded the game this morning, did you upload the fixed version just today? If you haven't imo you should, or at least add the patch as a downloadable file so players can patch the game.
Can you wife the girls in this game?
Ok... Love The game So far But I'm Only at the Very Beginning. and I tried to play at Joiplay nut it seems it's not compatible cuz everytime I tried to open it it Immediately Closes, so the best thing is the Android Version and the runs But... just a Little thing I encountered is Some texts are not read able cuz they Dont show up the whole thing, Like this for example, the text is. waaay on the Left. and this is only happening if there's to Character talking at the same time.
hello!! yeah, this is a problem with some android ports. it will be fixed in future releases. i'm so sorry about this!!
You're so nice im gonna cry thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you liked it :3
Just an FYI, Mega stopped at 1.2 gbs download of 2.2gbs. For some like me, its means your title cannot be played. Before anyone gripes, tried 4 times and I'm using a wired ethernet cable but mega has been causing problem for downloaders lately.
Wow, I'm just totally bedazzled; from the description, I had a general idea, but in less than 5 minutes I was already gobsmacked. The dialogues and the MC's introspection, particularly, are incredibly deep. The talk between Dad and Desmond was soul-moving. The girls are all using one or more trope.
And the comedy! By the Nine Circles of Hell, that scene at the onsen with Ken and everybody else! The scene with Mallory in her room when her parents arrive! And the lingerie store!
The models are great, the lewd scenes quite tasty, but the story is just so amazing! If you ever feel a bit more adventurous, I'd say this game's story and plots and characters could help you a lot in writing a small series of books based on this. Just sayin'...
Tldr; this game is shaping up to be an amazing work of art!
Definitely fav'ing and following!
P.S.: The only part that I'm actually wary about is the ammount of characters; as you build the game towards the conclusion, it will inevitably become more difficult to manage exposure and revelation for all of them without leaving loose ends. Still and regardless, I wish you the best of luck!
you're so sweet thank you so much 😭😭 I'm so glad you enjoyed it
This game in particular has some great character writing, and really fantastic H-scenes. Really looking forward to more!
😭 waooo thank you so much!!! new update just released today <3
yea this is peak
thank you i'm glad you like it!!! I just released chapter 4 which will be public next week :3
read this and smiled bro, cant wait
you're so nice to me 🥺 thank you i hope you'll enjoy it!!
You sir/ma'am have... COOKED.
I love discovering avn games like these where you come to goon and stay for the plot. First i played was eternum and ghaddamn i discovered more and more. At first i thought your game was a yuri game but then i decided to give it a chance and boy did i enjoy. I really live how you e written each character and the story... and the scenes ghad *chefs kiss* i look forward to the next update!
Also i got surprised when there was a voice over narration and it was good! I look forward for more! More scenes, more in depth story! More funny memes!
sorry i'm only seeing this now, but thank you for the kind comment! i'm really glad you enjoyed it <3
Absolutely stunning game with a really fetching MC character. I really enjoyed the refreshing personality, and all the girls were fascinating. It's always great coming across a game that takes itself seriously, but then you can have amazingly goofy meme'y moments that add even more personality to the world you create while having a great laugh.
It was incredible to see the improvements in the animation you made too after a few scenes. People normally want to see perfection in a game the moment they download it, and expect everything to be flawless. However, leaving in rougher work, and then showing off how you've overcome it later really is admirable.
Thanks again for putting so much time, work, and passion into a game like this. Looking forward to see how things advance later on, and you've got a huge fan in me!
waooo this is so sweet!! thank you so much. i do feel like i have come a long way since i started this game with absolutely zero experience in any part of it, so it's nice to hear someone confirm it!! it means so much to me that you enjoy the characters as well :') i hope you will continue to enjoy the game as it updates
just found this avn the other day and, the writing in this is phenomenal in my opinion. All the characters seem decently realistic, 3 deletional characters who have lived their own lives sperate from the mc and not that they only exist for this story. as for the graphics, not the best I've seen in this engine but, at chapter 3 it does look quite good I'd say.
honestly my only real criticism is a technical one, in dark scenes, character whose name are dark colours, you can't see their names (I noticed it for the character that Blue and Red were talking to in the second to last scene of the 0.3 update)
thank you so much for the kind words! i absolutely agree that my game needs work visually, but i'm happy you agree that it improves as it goes along. i plan on remaking the first chapter entirely at some point for this reason, including updating the animations as i have learned so much since i started. more than anything, though, it means so much to me that you enjoy the characters and writing as that's been the most important aspect to me. I have never seen the word "deletional" omg that's awesome
As for the font being hard to read, that was on purpose for that specific character as you're not supposed to know their name, but maybe it wasn't the best idea xD haha thank you so much again for playing my game!! I hope you will enjoy chapter 4 next month!
rereading my comment, yeah I've never heard of the word deletional before, it was probably either auto correct or me being really tired while I wrote it, and yes, deletional is a real word but no, it was obviously not used correctly, I don't even remember what I meant to write there.
I did enjoy the game mostly...i skipped the dudes talking...cause its avn i dont play for dudes...also rejected the trans cause im a guy and not gay but to each their own....im so glad sasha is safe! I was scared there...i hope in future update you give us choices...like to spare or to kill our enemies...was hoping i could kill the rich guy and his son...and the female that betrayed me...shes getting rejected next time...anyway cant wait for more if theres gonna be more
Merry Christmas 🎄 🎁 🎄
the only thing i hate about this VN is that I found it too early. now i have to wait for it to get finished but holy shit this is a good story perfect mix of comedy, romance, and deep story telling. I'm looking forward to the completion of this how ever many years that will take.
the scene where the mc and sasha hold hands after going berserk aka that house getting burned down thought there was a graphical glitch where mc's hand is twisted 180 deg and sasha's thumb goes through mc's palm
Oh man, that sounds bad! I'll have to double check that when I get a chance. Thanks for letting me know!!
is this animated?
The first two h-scenes are not animated (the first half of chapter 1 just has images that repeat to simulate scenes) but the rest of the game does, and they slowly improve as the game goes on. I develop this game on an old laptop, and animating took me a while to figure out 😅 I'm sorry if that's a dealbreaker. I do intend on remaking the chapter 1 scenes at some point, but I'm more focused on progressing the story currently!
its not a dealbreaker if it does happen after the first two its okay 🫶🏼 im just a motion guy yk? im glad you're working on the avn and im stoked to give it a try :>
Will there be impreg?
There are options in the game currently that can lead to optional pregnancies in the future, but they're down the line as I don't really plan on doing any timeskips soon
Soon as I finished reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, I felt the need to play the latest update haha. Personally, I really really liked it.
I've felt this about other AVNs, but the ones I stick with I do because at the start I feel they have potential, and avoid making "unforgivable" mistakes. Then comes a point, somewhere along the way, where they don't just offer the promise of greatness in the future, but actually start delivering. For Love by the Water, I feel that point was reached in chapter 3: it truly delivered.
As to where... for me it was Celia getting her comeuppanuce. The scenes with her and Emma are so uncomfortable, they feel so out of place in what's otherwise a mostly warm game - but man, the payoff for them is so good once the tonal shift comes: it was such a great way to drive home the shift, making it felt through that scene. No notes, simply amazing. Best depiction of **** on an AVN I've experienced. Again, no notes, you did a fantastic job with her and that moment. Currently, that's what makes the game worth playing: Celia getting her just deserts, selling the tonal shift of the game, and what "other MC" brings to the table. The promise of more stuff like that in the future is enough to keep one playing, by itself!
Related, but Emma is such a well, well achieved character! Perhaps the gem of the game - alongside Byrus, whom I'll talk about later. But Emma is so disguting at such a visceral level to me - her sheer weakness, helplesness, asking someone stronger to deliver the punishment she can't - it even had me wishing for the choice to punish her instead, at times. She's so unsightly, I couldn't stand to perceive her! And then, boom, she said just the right thing. Can't appeal to his sense of morality? Then just offer whatever worth she has, in the eyes of an objective-driven being: the information she possesses. And then she asks to be taken along - after cheering the horrible thing done to Celia throught! - by lowering herself to saying she's ok with sleeping on a closet, just so she's taking along! Again, she's so, so disgustingly weak and wretched - and I love her for it. The character I most want to see more of.
I would like to talk about my wishes and concerns for the game, starting with the concerns: Mallard (alongside Risa) works great as a threatening antagonistic force, and I really hope he is not sidelined from the role after one confrontation. I quite enjoy the "slice of life" setting of school, and I wish you don't do away with it or have it take a backseat - though I have no idea how you'll keep it going now. Byrus is a great character, that I think is written with so much nuance, that I really hope he is given his proper respect by the story - not in terms that "good things happen to him" or that "he gets his redemption" neccessarily, but that he's given enough screentime to shine and showcase what he's about. All the things about his absent father, and the way it's affecting him - this longing he has - I hope it's all building up to something. Bit of a suggestion, if you are taking Risa away from Mallard, I would have Byrus be his new assistant, so he serves as "POV character" whose eyes we experience that side of the narrative through. As for Emma, I really hope we are given diverging paths to develop her: a kind one (maybe keeping her interactions exclusive to normal MC) where we see who she is/what she likes outside of her time as a maid, and a darker one (maybe having her just interact with supernatural MC) where we see the person Celia made her explored - in many ways, it's Emma more than Byrus who is Celia's child, the one raised into who she is by her. Similar, but I hope we have an option to forgive Lana, and one to punish her as badly as Celia was punished - please leave it up to player discretion. I also hope we have a similar choice of "forgive Byrus/destroy him" - near the game's climax, perhaps. Mrs Behr and her colleague killed a lot of people - I hope the moral implications of this aren't handwaved. Same for the fact Lili is killing sentient creatures. I would love options to have nothing to do with either faction, on the grounds of them taking life.
TL;DR: Emma and Byrus are the gems of the game for me, the characters I want to see more of and those that I hope future updates do justice to the most.
This is a well written review good sir/maam
The Mega Download just stops at some point Not even the "you have to make an account message" appears. I mean just stoping, this time at 52%
Ah, that's a really weird problem I've never seen anyone have before! Did it eventually start working? If you can DM me on reddit (u/curehearts) or Discord (0cure), I can send you a mirror for mediafire! I'm really sorry for the inconvenience :(
I never really use that but I have a discord account. I was a bit annoyed by one youtubers discord account that had a weird security bot or whatever that checked you out on another side before you were allowed to join more or less.
I have no reddit, what is that side about anyway? I faintly remember a side being some sort of photo gallery, but i don't remember the name.
It's the first time for me too here, that it stops I mean.
My server verifies that you aren't a bot, but it shouldn't make you do anything other than press an "I'm not a bot" button haha. And Reddit is just a bunch of forums so people can talk about different interests! I'm sorry I can't be more helpful with that error. Unfortunately, the last time I tried to post a download link in the itch.io comments, I got a warning, so I have to send it to you privately. But if you join the Discord server, I can make sure you get a new download link! I really want to make up for the problem Mega gave you!
Discord server: https://discord.gg/xD4CAmVdp5
Just so I'm not suprised, does it open another page and wants me to do anything is what I wanted to say, but no you mentioned only that button.
I'm only trying a few things again a good while ago now. I haven't touched much after rechieving viruses when I was younger for a long while, not that I needed it. You know stuff like fan games or when you try this stuff out for the first time and all that.
Not sure if it's to big, but you can't combine this with the Itch.io app somehow? Alright I try to remember it, you will most likely answer me again anyway and please do. I really have much stress and all that recently, which might cause me to not really come back to this for a good while if I don't hear about it.
The game is so good the only thing it miss is a gallary
What kind of gallery? I'm not opposed to adding something like that
Wher you can rewatch the ero scens from the main menu that is waht i mean with a gallery
I second this wholeheartedly! A hidden gallery where you can see scenes you've unlocked while showing scenes you've missed in chronological order without showing which girl the scene involves would be awesome
Definitely going to try to implement this with the next chapter. Thanks for the feedback :)
I was just thinking about this game and when the next update was going to be going live. And lo and behold there was one! Nice work!
Sorry that it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it :)
Seu jogo e sensacional e muito engraçado a partes de comédia um dos meus favoritos
Muito obrigado! Estarei lançando o novo capítulo em alguns dias :)
Is this game getting updates still?
Yes! I'm hoping to release chapter 3 for testing next week. Long story short, I lost all of my game files and had to make this chapter twice, so it's taken a really long to get back on track unfortunately. But yeah, update soon!
just started the game so I wont rate it yet but as of now,
it is my brand of comedy (i laughed out loud alot)
and every frame as something fun to look at
That means a lot! Thanks for letting me know :)
The dead-end choices are really easy to miss unless you really don't want to be nice to one of the girls hahaha. They're just dumb goofy scenes for fun because I didn't think anyone would want to, for example, ignore someone crying or not walk a scared girl home. I clearly have had to learn a lot! But yo thank you so much for the kind words! They mean so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it
You know, I can't say I was expecting Salad with a bat. But I really should of been expecting it.
Great work so far!
means a lot! thanks :)
Keep making dis game is good asl pls
sir yes sir 🫡
Lol just saw the jagged crown from Skyrim in a cutscene
Lmaoo Frankie might be the best character in the game
the story writing and music in this game is superb, keep up the good work man, really hoping to see you grow, this has so much potential.
that's really nice of you to say! i appreciate it :) thanks for the giving the game a chance. youre the first person to ever mention the music haha
This is a super great game, and my god the potential is through the roof... If you have any indication of when another update will come out, please do share
so sorry for the late response to this, but thanks for the kind words! it means a lot. i had to take a break after the last update released, but i'm working on it every day and hoping it won't take too much longer. make sure you join the discord for frequent updates and render previews :)
Your love for storytelling shines through, making this a very enjoyable read.
Honestly, I don't like "dead-end" choices, but I appreciate that you put effort into them here. Personally, I like "in-universe" ones (like the sewer monster) as opposed to fourth-wall-breaking ones (like the director chair). When it comes to the NSFW choices, I've found most of the "didn't happen" ones to be quite funny, I can see a player picking them just for that haha. Mechanically I don't know what logic the game operates on (open/closed routes, affection points) but when you say no the counselor and she cuts the red balloon away? imo it'd be super cool if that happened each time you lose a girl's route, if that's how you're operating haha.
Again, had a very enjoyable time, keep up the good stuff!
yeah, i've definitely gotten a lot of feedback on the dead-end choices and will be trying to avoid the more immersion-breaking ones in the future, but man i just have so much fun using them as an opportunity to do goofy/stupid things in a way that is not canon haha. at the beginning of the game, they're there to kind of remind the player that this isn't one of those self-insert blank MC games but, rather, a story about a specific character with a certain moral system. it's certainly something to keep in mind now that we're deeper into the story. thanks so much for the kind words and feedback :) really appreciative that you gave the game a chance
love the game pls keep up the good work man truly a MASTERPIECE!
thank you so much for the kind words and for giving the game a chance! means a ton
I love this game, Its goddamn amazing. There is only 1 complaint I have... I want more. and that's the best complaint. Keep up the good work, and look out for yourself. Ill be eagerly awaiting.
whoa, thanks so much! that's so nice. hopefully the next update won't take too much longer to release :)
Just finished the Game, and You've just gained a new follower Cure. This game has a lot of potential and I am even liking the Story, Unique to any other that I have played so far.
I'll will tell you this however in some of the scene the contortions of the characters are something to be desired, but of course this game is still in it's early stages and can easily be improved later on. That being said it doesn't take anything away from the story, so keep at it and keep the awesome work coming.
I'm looking forward to seeing where this story leads.. 😊👍
thank you so much for the kind words and feedback! i'll try to keep this in mind
Why even have choices if you are literally forced back to remake it?
Lots of flaws and character models are unimpressive. Didn't even get to the end of the update before deleting it was so bad.
Thanks for the feedback! Out of 100 or so options in the game right now, I think something like only 4 of them loop around, and most of them are early in the game. They're there to kind of remind the player that, at the end of the day, they're playing a story about a specific character who starts off relatively naive and will always help someone when he can. He won't ignore the crying girl, let someone be homeless, let the scared girl walk home alone, etc. That being said, every option concerning romance is fully optional. Some friendships are crucial to the game and its story, but you decide how far those friendships will go, if that makes sense. I understand this not being for everybody, but I don't think 4/100+ locked choices is that bad, personally.
I am curious about the flaws, though! I try really hard to make sure there are no errors or typos in the game, so if you can remember which ones you noticed I'd love to hear about them! I will admit, though, that many of the early renders pale in comparison to those even in the latter half of the first update. I was learning the whole process from scratch and do plan on updating them at a later date. Personally, I'm super happy with the character models, though :) It was important to me that the girls looked and felt distinct, not just to each other but to other games, as well.
Thanks for the feedback, RanCor! Sorry you didn't enjoy the game, but I appreciate you taking the time to give it a shot!
This game really has a very interesting future
wow im impressed this game is amazing. im super hyped for more of this game.
Thank you for the kind words! Means the world <3